Tap Like I’m Tappin’


The ability to follow directions requires children to focus on what the teacher is saying. Tap Like I’m Tapping, a circle time rhythm song, is a great opportunity to practice this. This circle time rhythm song encourages children to practice this skill by requiring them to listen as well as watch, in order to participate along with their classmates. This social aspect is very motivating and powerful. Once the children have learned this circle time song, it opens up the door for them to create new ways to tap their sticks. Not only does this promote creative thinking, but it also gives children pride when their idea is chosen. Tapping on the body with rhythm sticks provides a physical representation of the beat which helps children create a strong sense of temporal awareness. This will help children later as they internalize the beat when they are being read to and when reading alone (Block, 2001, p. 44).



Playing and exploring new rhythms is so much fun! A circle time rhythm song provides a great opportunity for your students to play with rhythm while learning to listen to directional cues. Teach your students this easy to learn song, and watch their imaginations run wild! With this download, you will receive:

  • Tap Like I’m Tapping digital audio track – Keep it handy so you’re always ready to sing and play with your students
  • Tap Like I’m Tapping Activity Guide –  includes what kids learn (goals/objectives), how to teach it, suggested materials/instruments