Showing 1–16 of 79 results

Children start using their 5 senses as soon as they are born, but it can be difficult to identify different stimuli when they are unsure of how their senses work. This song with introduce children to the names of their senses and the body parts associated with them
5 Senses by Musically Minded

Can you imagine a year of musical activities? That’s right. You will have a new circle time songs for your preschoolers every single month!
Keep circle times fresh and fun with 12 activities, one for every single month!
Activities include:
- Video demonstrations – Not knowing how to teach an activity can often be what stands in the way for teachers wanting to bring in new ideas. That’s why each activity comes with a video demonstration so you can see it in action. Either watch the video while planning your circle time or play the video at circle time and learn the song alongside your students!
- Activity guides -You’ll find everything you need to know to teach the activities right here. Each activity guide features directions, materials required, lyrics, what kids learn as well as center extensions. Cut out and laminate these then place them on a ring. You’ll be on your way to building a repertoire of songs you can use for years to come!
- Digital Tracks – Each activity also comes with a digital audio track. Download it to your favorite digital device and you’ll have quick and easy access all the time! Not sure about going digital? Read my blog I wrote and hopefully it’ll get you to change your mind and leave CDs in the dust.
- Colorful Visuals – If an activity works best with a visual aid, you’ll find it here. Simple print and laminate, and you’ll immediately increase engagement – guaranteed!
Whether you do one song a month, or all the songs at once, you will find inspiration and a ton of fun in each and every idea. No need to stick to the months, they are just there as a way to break it up thorough a year.
What are you waiting for? Start the music!

Kids songs about animals are always a hit during circle time. They also love pretend play, especially when it involves animals. Help your class add new movements to their movement vocabulary with this interactive song. Encourage your students to feel the beat as they dance and clap along. This way, they will be learning coordination skills and tempo matching at the same time!
Animal Rhythms by Musically Minded

This preschool balance game will help your little ones develop body awareness. Body awareness is about understanding where our bodies are in space, and where and how we move. It involves a combination of the vestibular, tactile, and proprioceptive sensory systems. Understanding the information received from all three systems will increase body awareness. “Balance Boogie” allows children an opportunity to identify various body parts and how to move their body to keep the object from falling off.
The Balance Boogie by Musically Minded

Beepin’ Boppin’ is an action packed circle time song that offers opportunities for your students to explore rhythm and instruments. Hand out small rhythm instruments and let your class explore new and creative ways to play. Encourage them to patch the tempo and rhythms in the song, teaching active listening and rhythm matching skills. They will love playing along wit this circle time song while they explore exciting new instruments!
Beepin’ Boppin’ by Musically Minded

This kids dance song is a great way to teach your students to tap to a musical beat. Help them find the beat, then follow along with the lyrics to tap on different body parts. Tapping on the body will help your students internalize the musical beat and provide tactile stimuli. Practice fine and gross motor movements while you tap along to this catch tune. Body Boogie by Musically Minded

Children will have a blast learning about their community as they pretend to be a construction worker building a house. This action song for circle time will help them learn some of the steps that went into building their house, and allow them to pretend building with each tool. Teach them to use critical thinking skills as they determine the best tool for the job.
Building a House by Musically Minded

A preschool hello song is a great way to start your circle time. This hello song incorporates your students’ names to great a personalized experience. Our name is the core part of our identity and hearing it validates our existence. Therefore, it is very powerful and purposeful to have a song that offers an opportunity to say hello to each child by name. Your students will feel excited to hear you add their name to the song which will help them get engaged right at the start of circle time. Additionally, you can encourage your students to say the names of other students. This encourages social engagement and collaborative play. “Circle Time Hello” is sung to a well known tune which makes it easy to adapt the lyrics to fit a variety of learning objectives.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

CURRENTLY SOLD OUT – Digital Version Available!
The Circle Time Success Activity Guide book is the perfect companion to the Circle Time Success CD! The guide features easy to follow directions for all 25 songs from the album. This book also comes with tips and tricks to help make circle times a loved part of the day for teachers and students!

The digital version of the “Circle Time Success Activity Guide” book is the perfect companion to the Circle Time Success CD! The guide features easy to follow directions for all 25 songs from the album. This book also comes with tips and tricks to help make circle times a loved part of the day for teachers and students!

Rated 5.00 out of 5
Download the Circle Time Success Album and you’ll have instant access! All the same songs on the Circle Time Success CD, but they will never scratched or get lost! Get ready to rock your circle times with 25 songs you can use year round. Promote sharing, creative movement, listening, letter recognition, self-control, numbers, colors and more – a must have for old and new teachers alike.
Songs included are:
We’re Cleanin’ Up
Let’s Make a Circle
Circle Time Hello
Who is Here Today?
What’s the Weather Like Today?
What Shall We Wear?
Days of the Week
Count with Me
Musicians, Musicians
Down By the Bay
Don’t Move
For You and You and Me
Tap Like I’m Tappin’
Tappin’ at the Window
The Shape Song
Balance Boogie
Whoa, Jack!
Slow Turtles and Fast Rabbits
I’ve Been Learnin’ My Alphabet
Takin’ Turns
Higgelty, Piggelty, Pop!
Little Peter Rabbit
Class Helpers
The Spotted Owl
See Ya Later Alligator

Freshen up your circle time the active way, through music and movement songs that promote sharing, creative movement, listening, letter recognition, self-control, numbers, colors and more in this 25-track album – a must have for old and new teachers alike.
Songs Include:
We’re Cleanin’ Up
Let’s Make a Circle
Circle Time Hello
Who is Here Today?
What’s the Weather Like Today?
What Shall We Wear?
Days of the Week
Count with Me
Musicians, Musicians
Down By the Bay
Don’t Move
For You and You and Me
Tap Like I’m Tappin’
Tappin’ at the Window
The Shape Song
Balance Boogie
Whoa, Jack!
Slow Turtles and Fast Rabbits
I’ve Been Learnin’ My Alphabet
Takin’ Turns
Higgelty, Piggelty, Pop!
Little Peter Rabbit
Class Helpers
The Spotted Owl
See Ya Later Alligator

Tap into the power of music and movement with your little ones! Not only does music time for babies and toddlers encourage quality interactions between caregiver and child, research shows that introducing little ones to music has long-term developmental benefits! Circle Time Success for Babies and Toddlers features 20 simple rhymes and songs that will not only make circle times fun and interactive, but also foster bonding, body awareness, communication skills and their quickly developing brain.

Rated 5.00 out of 5
Tap into the power of music and movement with your little ones! Not only does music time for babies and toddlers encourage quality interactions between caregiver and child, research shows that introducing little ones to music has long-term developmental benefits! Circle Time Success for Babies and Toddlers features 20 simple rhymes and songs that will not only make circle times fun and interactive, but also foster bonding, body awareness, communication skills and their quickly developing brain.

Creating classroom jobs not only cuts down on the work for the teacher, but allows the children to take an active role in the classroom. This builds a sense of community and belonging. This classroom jobs song make sit easy to assign jobs to each student, while getting them exited about helping. Be sure to demonstrate how each job is done so they understand their expectations. If you choose class helpers each day or week, write the children’s names on clothespins and place them in a cup. As you sing the song, draw a child’s name out of the cup and assign them to that job. Give this classroom jobs song a try with your preschoolers!
Class Helpers by Musically Minded